Welcome to Configs-dev’s documentation!

Release v0.0.3 (Installation)

License https://camo.githubusercontent.com/33693bfef12aa01e115b2afc511afa8cfb053f1d/68747470733a2f2f707975702e696f2f7265706f732f6769746875622f68616761696b612f436f6e666967732d6465762f736869656c642e737667

Configs-dev is an elegant and simple configuration management library for Python.

Configs-dev allows you to set a hierarchy of configuration for your business with ease. There’s no need to manually set database and fill it with hierarchies for later querying and retrieving.

Let the package do it all for you, allowing you to simply talk to object and focus on your business logic!

The User Guide

This part of the documentation, which is mostly prose, begins with some background information about Configs-dev, then focuses on step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of Configs-dev.


  • Be awesome

  • Make things faster


Install $project by running:

install project


  • Issue Tracker: github.com/$project/$project/issues

  • Source Code: github.com/$project/$project


If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at: project@google-groups.com


The project is licensed under the BSD license.

Indices and tables


Here be dragons! This topic covers a number of options that might alter your database.

Proceed with caution! A lot of caution!

This is live for elli!

This is a live fix.



this is some note

Deprecated since version 0.0.2: this is some deprecated

See also

this is see also

 import pandas as pd
 df = pd.DataFrame()

An overview of the admin control panel.